The Open Online Course is the second – and the core – output of the project.
It consists of an online course of five modules, totally free of cost, dedicated to teachers, educators, youth workers and school staff wishing to strengthen their capacities in the field of peace education and conflict resolution.
All Modules include a theoretical approach, although they are primarily based on a very practical approach, providing tools, materials and techniques, which the learners will be able to put into practice directly in their classrooms or with youth groups.
find out more about the modules addressed in the course and their content, and join the course below!
The following module overviews aims to give a general idea of the elements that will be presented in the online course. Each module is itself divided into submodules within which are presented the learning goals of its content, the concepts and concrete stakes at play. You can also already find an idea of the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are aimed to be acquired by the teachers and educators. The theoretical concepts presented are punctuated by activity suggestions for the students. The duration of each submodule is approximative and could reflect at some time, the blended learning time which takes into account the necessary time for the teachers to implement the courses for their students.
By clicking on this link, you will be redirected to the platform hosting the online Peace Education course. You can create a free account and register for the training programme, which is available in the following languages:
Once you completed the modules, you can take the final exam online and obtain a certificate of participation!
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PEACE Education is a 24-month project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. However, European Commission and the French National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.